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Dalgas Avenue 4
8000 Arhus C
Sektion for Idræt, Aarhus Universitet

Personal data policy

Personal data policy

We do not transfer or pass on any information that is registered on our website. We store information securely, and it is only available to trusted employees and partners at Occlude An encrypted method is used when paying, so that your payment information is secure. We use your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address, when purchasing on our website, and this information is used solely to process your order.


We store the information electronically and unencrypted for 5 years, after which it is deleted. We register the IP address from which the purchase is made. We do not use this information, but it can be used in a possible police investigation. We report fake orders. Upon request, we provide information about registered information. On the basis of potential objections, we delete the information.


Please contact us, for any further questions at info@occlude.dk